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Work has been completed on the inspection and cleaning of the subsea outfall at Newcastle Harbour, County Down. The works were carried out as a sub contract to local civil engineering contractor...

12 Dec 2023

Newcastle Outfall Inspection and Cleaning

Work has been completed on the inspection and cleaning of the subsea outfall at Newcastle Harbour, County Down. The works were carried out as a sub contract to local civil engineering contractor, Dawson Wam, who are constructing a new pumping station on behalf of Northern Ireland Water. The following activities were carried out:

  •     Diving survey of subsea outfall.
  •     Removal of diffuser head.
  •     Partial Internal inspection of outfall pipe using ROV with echo sounder to determine level of material        blocking pipe.
  •     Clearing of pipe using HP jetter, hydraulic dredge and airlift.
  •     Cutting of access hole into pipe for new pumping chamber.
  •     Survey of full pipe length using survey sledge equipped with high definition camera and sonar.
  •     Refitting of diffuser head.

Norfolk Marine provided all the plant and equipment with the offshore operations being performed from the company's dive support vessel, The Flying Hart.